Our Studio

Total size • 1600 sq ft

Working Height • 5m

Opening Hours • 10am - 10pm

Pax Limit • 50 pax

Cyclorama Set

Our cyclorama set is a spacious, curved wall that provides a blank canvas for a variety of creative productions, from music videos to commercial shoots. The seamless, curved design eliminates distracting corners and shadows, making it a popular choice for film and photography.


Simple yet chic, our kitchen set adopts an open-space concept that combines functionality with minimalism. It is equipped with a seamless counter-top stove, a sleek fridge and high-quality modern appliances like an oven and microwave that will make your cooking experience hassle-free and enjoyable.


Execute your brainstorming sessions and strategic planning in our meeting room.


These spaces offer a variety of options for filming interviews, cooking shows, and more. Our space is not only perfect for content creators, but also available to rent for events and networking opportunities.